Privacy Notice

We inform you that RDIT DE MÉXICO S. DE R.L. DE C.V. is committed to protecting your personal data and being responsible for its use, handling, and confidentiality. Therefore, we provide you with the following information:

For what purposes do we collect and use your personal data? Your personal data will be used for the following purposes: To provide the services and products required by you; To contact the workers and/or service providers designated by our clients who hire us to develop a consulting, reengineering, auditing, or planning project; To inform about changes or new products or services related to the services contracted by our clients; To fulfill obligations contracted with our clients to develop a consulting, reengineering, auditing, or planning project.

What personal data do we obtain and from where? For the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, we may collect your personal data directly or through our clients.

We collect your personal data directly when you provide it to us through various means or when our clients provide them to us as workers and/or service providers. The data we obtain through this means may include, among others: Name, email address, telephone number, work address, and job position.

We inform you that we do not collect sensitive personal data. However, we commit to treating all personal data under the strictest security measures to ensure their confidentiality.

How can you access, rectify, cancel, or oppose the use of your personal data? You have the right to access your personal data that we possess and the details of their treatment, as well as to rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete; cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, are being used for unauthorized purposes, or the contractual or service relationship has ended, or oppose the treatment of them for specific purposes.

The mechanisms implemented to exercise these rights are through the submission of the respective request to: Your request must contain the following information: Name, email address, telephone number, work address, and job position. The deadline to process your request is 5 business days, and we will inform you of the outcome through a response to the email address provided in your request.

How can you revoke your consent for the treatment of your data? At any time, you may revoke the consent you have granted us for the treatment of your personal data so that we stop using them. To do this, it is necessary to submit your request to: Your request must be accompanied by the following information: Name, email address, telephone number, work address, and job position. The deadline to process your request is 5 business days. Within a maximum of 5 business days, we will attend to your request and inform you of the outcome through a response to the email address provided in your request.

Your data may travel to another country or be shared with others. Your personal data may be transferred and processed within and outside the country by individuals other than this company. In this sense, your information may be shared solely and exclusively with advisors or business partners of our company to develop consulting, reengineering, auditing, or planning projects assigned to us by our clients.

Modifications to the privacy notice. We reserve the right to make modifications or updates to this privacy notice at any time, to address legislative changes, internal policies, or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products.

These modifications will be available to the public through the following means: (i) visible announcements in our establishments or customer service centers; (ii) on our website.

Where can you file complaints and reports for the improper treatment of your personal data? If you believe that your right to the protection of personal data has been violated by any conduct of our employees or our actions or responses, or you suspect that there has been a violation of the provisions established in the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, you may file the corresponding complaint or report with the IFAI. For more information, visit

The person responsible for the protection of your data is the private individual who decides on the treatment of personal data:

Celeste Heredia with address at Prolongación Moliere 450-B, Of. 303, Col. Ampliación Granada, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, CP 11529, Mexico City, Mexico, Email:, Telephone: (55) 4444-4832, is responsible for the management of the treatment of your personal data.


Prolongación Moliere 450-B, Of. 303, Col. Ampliación Granada, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, CP 11529, Mexico City, Mexico.

Last updated: February 2024.